Are You in First Trimester of Pregnancy? Here’s What’s Going On!

First Trimester of Pregnancy

Are you feeling overwhelmed and excited at the same time? Welcome to your first trimester of pregnancy! This is an incredible time, full of mystery and possibilities. Here’s a guide to help you understand what’s going on during this special time.

Pregnancy is a miraculous journey that changes your life forever. During the first trimester, you’ll begin to develop the baby inside you. Here are some of the most important changes that take place:

If you’re trying to conceive, or just curious about what it’s like during your first trimester, read on for insights and tips. You’ll be able to navigate this exciting time with ease and satisfaction!

First Trimester Meaning: 

To begin with, pregnancy is a journey of nine months but do you know they’re divided into three stages? Yes, pregnancy is divided in three stages; first trimester, second trimester & last third trimester. For now, we are talking about the first trimester of pregnancy. 

The first trimester is the first third of pregnancy, and it lasts roughly 3 months. Most doctors define it as weeks 1–12 of pregnancy, but some say that it extends into week 14. In order to determine the stage of pregnancy, doctors count from the start of the last menstrual period.

Other three stages of pregnancy: 

First Trimester of pregnancy: 0-13th Week

Second Trimester of pregnancy: 14th-26th Week 

Third Trimester of pregnancy: 27th-40th Week

First Trimester Symptoms: 

Well, the signs and symptoms of pregnancy may never be the same for all expecting women; each woman faces her own set of challenges, some of which are difficult to overcome, while others experience a mild or no-symptom pregnancy. However, this is not a matter of worrisome; here are a few early pregnancy symptoms that you may have to deal with during the first trimester of pregnancy. 

First Signs of Pregnancy/Early Pregnancy Symptoms:

  • Missing period
  • Nausea & fatigue
  • Pelvic cramps
  • Headache
  • Light spotting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Breast tenderness
  • Heightened smell & taste
  • Morning sickness

Note: Above mentioned symptoms are common during pregnancy if you find any difficulties during pregnancy like being unable to do daily life tasks, or symptoms staying longer than usual then without further getting late speak to your healthcare provider and find the right way to treat pregnancy symptoms.

Fetal Development During First Trimester:

The first trimester is a special time for your baby too. During the first trimester of pregnancy, your baby is in the womb, or in the embryonic stage of development. In addition, the placenta grows as well during this stage of pregnancy. It transports nutrients from the mother to the fetus while also carrying waste from the fetus. 

Even your baby’s body and organs are developing, here’s a glimpse of what it looks like: 

  • Your baby’s movements are now active
  • your baby’s heartbeat is becoming stronger, 
  • your baby’s head is smaller than a pea
  • Your baby’s skull hasn’t formed yet. 
  • Your baby’s hands & feet are in the making process

Keep in mind: you can now feel certain body parts, such as your baby’s feet and hands which don’t have bones yet. If You may not be able to feel your baby moving around, it’s normal your baby is still very active and soon you will find yourself.

Do’s & Don’ts During the First Trimester of Pregnancy:

In order to ensure a healthy & safe pregnancy; here are several things you should take note of, whether you should or you shouldn’t: 

Things to do During Pregnancy:

  • Follow a well-balanced diet.
  • Go for a daily walk.
  • Enroll in pregnancy yoga classes.
  • Pamper yourself with relaxing pregnancy massage therapy.
  • Practice breathing techniques.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Sleep in a suitable position.
  • Take prescribed supplements & vaccines on time.
  • Go for a daily-check up

Things to Avoid During Pregnancy:

  • Say no to caffeine.
  • Avoid smoking, drugs & alcohol.
  • Don’t take any medicine before the doctor prescribes it.
  • Don’t put extra pressure on the abdominal area
  • Don’t engage in high-intensity activities such as sports.
  • Stop wearing heels.
  • Try to overlook unhealthy cravings
  • Don’t miss any appointments.

Moreover, “Divine Mother” also provides pregnancy care programs. These programs allow you to prepare yourself for what’s ahead. Whether you want to know which option is best for you, normal delivery or C-section, our team will help you decide. As part of our pregnancy care program, you’ll receive in-depth guidance to make your roller-coaster journey as smooth as possible.

What to Expect During the First Trimester of Pregnancy? 

Like with all well-being indicators, there are a number of signs & symptoms of pregnancy that indicate no matter of concern. Feelings of hunger are normal and should subside as your body digests (and uses) your baby. You might also experience increased gas and bowel movements, increased urination and/or craving for sugar. 

The following thing you may experience during first trimester of pregnancy:

Increased appetite: Your appetite will increase during this time, which is normal. 

Weight gain: Your body will start to increase in weight, which is normal. 

Skipping meals: This is normal. You’ll gain more weight when you don’t have to eat every three or four hours. 

Increased heart rate: This is normal and indicates that your body is active and trying to protect your baby. 

Sleeplessness: This is normal, and you’re likely to feel frustrated or unproductive during this time. 

Increased body temperature: This is normal and indicates that your body temperature is increasing. 

Bloating: This is normal and means that your body is getting ready to give birth and is preparing your baby’s gut (enteric) tract (and your own) for digestion. 

Mood swings: Mood swings are normal and indicate that your baby is also experiencing moods (which is great news!). 

Skipping meals: This is normal. You’ll gain more weight when you don’t have to eat every three or four hours. 

Common Tests & Screenings During First Trimester of Pregnancy:

As we know, Checkups, screenings and other tests during pregnancy keep Mom-to-be and the fetus healthy. Here are the following vital tests & screening your health care provider may ask for during first trimester of pregnancy: 

First Trimester Tests & Screening:

  • Fetal Ultrasound 
  • Check fetal heart rate
  • Thyroid test 
  • Check obese level
  • Pelvic exam 
  • Pap test
  • Maternal blood testing
  • Screening test for anaemia 
  • Nuchal translucency (NT Scanning test)

First Trimester Concerned Factors: 

If this is your first pregnancy, you’re probably overthinking your symptoms. If they’re mild or tricky to treat, you should consult a doctor. However, there are some things you should consider before consulting a doctor or running back and forth to the hospital. 

Call your pregnancy care provider right away if you are having any following concerns:

  • Body temperature higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Spotted Heavy bleeding or unusual vaginal discharge.
  • Severe cramping in your belly or abdomen.
  • Constant vomiting and/or diarrhoea.
  • Unable to perform daily tasks
  • Weakness or dizziness.
  • Excessive Swelling in your hands, fingers or face.
  • Vision blurring or spots in front of your eyes.

Quick Timeline of First Trimester: 

Here’s the quick guide or you can say cheat sheet for first trimester or pregnancy; take a look. 

1st month of pregnancy (Week 1 to 4)

Generally, in the first month of pregnancy; rarely do women find out any pregnancy symptoms, as per the taleteller missing period & light spotting can be considered as the first signs of pregnancy. In addition, such symptoms indicate that the embryo has attached to the wall of the uterus. However, other signs and symptoms like morning sickness, frequent urination, nausea and fatigue are present there but for some moms-to-be, this will take some time to note.

2nd month of pregnancy (Week 5 to 9)

Until now, you have already started feeling pregnant as well as consult a gynaecologist & tried an ultrasound to see the developing embryo but for now, it’s in the developing stage of pregnancy which indicates the head is the size of a pea, hands/feet without bones, eyes, ears and other organs are in process.

In addition, symptoms that failed to feel in the first trimester are now easy to catch and some other symptoms like mood swings, breast tenderness, cramps, and swelling have also joined them. 

3rd month of pregnancy (Week 10-13)

There you go! The end of the first trimester but 6 months more to go. However in this stage of pregnancy the embryo has turned into a fetus, the development process may end here as well & fetal movement begins. In addition, dealing with symptoms is getting easy. Now you are able to feel the very mild fetal movement but your little one now can hear & feel you. It’s the best time to make your connection stronger. Want to know more? wait for the second trimester of pregnancy!


After reading the detailed guide, I can say that the first trimester of pregnancy doesn’t seem as simple as it sounds. Morning sickness, abdominal cramps, body swelling, concerns about weight gain, stress, and anxiety are all severely dragging us down at this point. However, there are ways to deal with such pregnancy difficulties. 

As one of the best women’s health care centres in Ahmedabad, Divine Mother offers pregnancy yoga classes, pregnancy massage therapy, pregnancy program sessions as well as balanced-diet programs by certified experts and trainers. We are here to help you ensure a healthy & safe pregnancy; Speak to us today!

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